Poor Jake. I really feel bad for the guy. He's in a wonderful parade of hit movies. "Proof" should be great but I see more and more and more of Kirsten and Oralndo. I mean, you'd think the two were married. What happened to Mr. G? Even if Kirsten and Orlando look good together, i really think she and jake should still be togther. But, whatever. It's Kiki's choice.
K���k hanım o kadar zamandır hayatımı neden maaile rezil edip duruyorsunuz? �in işkencesi filan mı bu? Ben hayatımı bok edip duramazsınız, ya cehennem olun gidin ya da vaatlerinizi tutun yoksa ben de gerekeni yaparım. Yumurtam yok, kı�ıma filan da sokmuyorum ayrıca.