Last comments - pam_cris |

2675 views05/08/10 at 09:42pam_cris: It seems like they are taking her shoes off... act...

955 views01/18/10 at 01:01pam_cris: I spot Jason Boesel! lol! :lol:

1802 views10/03/09 at 16:12pam_cris: hummm... maybe a new movie role soon???

3112 views04/29/09 at 15:31pam_cris: I Love Almodovar! He is one of my favorite directo...

1079 views03/29/09 at 04:15pam_cris: i love jacob s... he is cute... but he needs a hai...

1593 views03/29/09 at 04:14pam_cris: i'm sorry but when a guy's pants are tight...

683 views03/05/09 at 23:16pam_cris: I would love to see this happening now!!! lo!!! ki...

7267 views02/26/09 at 16:29pam_cris: I have that necklace! my bf got it for me 6 months...

1308 views02/24/09 at 00:24pam_cris: I love him he is cute and he looks like he could b...

1963 views02/11/09 at 21:42pam_cris: Lol! :-P :lol:

1963 views02/10/09 at 23:16pam_cris: well you have to remind that he is wearing skinny ...

1857 views02/09/09 at 23:41pam_cris: de Venezuela per vivo en Texas :-D

1857 views02/09/09 at 22:41pam_cris: De donde eres marcelo? esa expresion "ay"...

1920 views02/09/09 at 20:37pam_cris: He is Jason boesel. He is the drummer of Rilo Kile...

1066 views12/04/08 at 17:14pam_cris: I LOVEEEEE HIM!!!m :-P

1209 views11/26/08 at 10:29pam_cris: I LOVE THAT GUY!!!! God he's hot!!!

726 views11/04/08 at 23:58pam_cris: Ohhhh this picture brought a lot of memories back!...

963 views10/27/08 at 18:57pam_cris: I love this guy! He is so hot... they should hang ...

1454 views09/24/08 at 23:29pam_cris: really great picture!

1654 views09/13/08 at 13:25pam_cris: Well it wasn't that long ago... they broke up ...

3066 views07/28/08 at 16:46pam_cris: that is probably the worst outfit ever! is just te...

2073 views07/17/08 at 18:25pam_cris: is the guy in the white t-shirt matt creed?? i'...

1434 views07/11/08 at 13:25pam_cris: Love this poster!!! this one is my favorite in bet...

1687 views07/10/08 at 22:02pam_cris: he is sooooo hot!! but i really hate his facial ha...

913 views06/26/08 at 21:22pam_cris: Thats true! yes yes he is Matt Romano... she has a...

913 views06/25/08 at 11:54pam_cris: I have no idea, but he looks extremely familiar......

2484 views06/23/08 at 11:28pam_cris: What's with the hats??? It seems that from tim...

922 views05/22/08 at 13:48pam_cris: yes, she has a bruise. I guess is make up for the ...

785 views05/21/08 at 13:03pam_cris: It looks like she has gained some weight. She is l...

492 views10/18/07 at 20:02pam_cris: ah ok thanx :)

492 views10/17/07 at 22:29pam_cris: why isnt this part featured in the video thats up ...

3163 views09/20/07 at 22:04pam_cris: hahaha well i think she is a menace behind the whe...

4472 views07/22/07 at 14:58pam_cris: I dont know why everyone says that she was drunk h...

3283 views05/14/07 at 20:51pam_cris: Hahaha...dunsted thats the best comment ever!!!

2080 views04/15/07 at 13:11pam_cris: yes thats true, there are some pix of the two of t...

2644 views03/11/07 at 21:11pam_cris: That`s M & B. Its a galley in L.A. She was the...

8627 views02/03/07 at 10:35pam_cris: she was flying to new york... she is there with li...

3165 views12/13/06 at 21:04pam_cris: haha well orlando was at the party too. There are ...

771 views12/01/06 at 15:48pam_cris: thats not orlando.. i think thats cameron

2404 views11/27/06 at 06:41pam_cris: haha dont worry the media has been like crazy abou...

2404 views11/26/06 at 09:36pam_cris: there is a video of them at the chantau on novembe...

2404 views11/23/06 at 14:34pam_cris: i think they are just good friends

2690 views11/21/06 at 19:24pam_cris: oh god theres the hat again!!! i really really hat...

2978 views10/26/06 at 23:04pam_cris: yep she was probably drawing

3258 views10/25/06 at 00:03pam_cris: maggie gyllenhaal, jennifer aniston, gwyneth paltr...
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