Last comments - brnandlvly |

4339 views04/30/06 at 21:11brnandlvly: i think this is the only time will see kirstens b...

1186 views01/25/06 at 18:46brnandlvly: someones jealous!!

4698 views12/04/05 at 11:56brnandlvly: ^haha have u SEEN the look-alike section<<??...

3496 views11/29/05 at 21:27brnandlvly: dont worry the celebs dont hate it as much as we t...

5001 views11/26/05 at 12:14brnandlvly: hey i have a idea.. wat if like her friend got a n...

3917 views11/26/05 at 11:59brnandlvly: CIGARETTES AND CHOCOLATE MILK!!! 8-) --rufus wainr...

2068 views11/21/05 at 16:52brnandlvly: ^i totally agree u guys. i too enjoy seeng out and...

1534 views11/20/05 at 16:39brnandlvly: ogmosh me saw the dress at a store the other day a...

3402 views11/15/05 at 20:01brnandlvly: haha look where shes touching

5965 views11/13/05 at 20:14brnandlvly: uh oh herre comes the feet comments!!

1533 views11/10/05 at 20:08brnandlvly: this is my brother nt my boyfriend!!!!!!

3001 views11/08/05 at 14:36brnandlvly: wait what?is this a photo shoot or something?

4426 views11/07/05 at 20:43brnandlvly: ok dont mean to b a pain BUT ITS NOT LIAT!!!!!!!!!...

4426 views11/04/05 at 01:42brnandlvly: isnt the freaky white chick the grl she was with e...

2643 views10/23/05 at 11:28brnandlvly: is thAT A GOOD THING

3836 views10/15/05 at 13:13brnandlvly: does neone kno whrre she got her boots from

1110 views10/12/05 at 19:01brnandlvly: i luv that shes gaining her weight back a lil it m...

3149 views09/29/05 at 19:18brnandlvly: hey does neone kno who shes sittin with?

1642 views09/24/05 at 00:48brnandlvly: heeeeeeeey its enviormentlly good!

2527 views09/18/05 at 20:39brnandlvly: huh what makes u think shes a designer?? im c...

1333 views09/11/05 at 20:22brnandlvly: she looks pregnate

2346 views09/10/05 at 22:45brnandlvly: eeew her finger hahah E.T phooone hoooome!

1446 views08/20/05 at 12:44brnandlvly: hey is that jake in the back ground????

994 views07/11/05 at 13:46brnandlvly: soooo pretty

2562 views07/10/05 at 23:33brnandlvly: wwooww :shock:

2295 views07/09/05 at 23:04brnandlvly: hmmm ring on finger :-|

4123 views07/08/05 at 03:06brnandlvly: uh duuh :roll:

2357 views07/01/05 at 15:52brnandlvly: aaaaaaaaaw :-o

5044 views06/30/05 at 18:57brnandlvly: have u guys ever wondered y all of the celebrities...

2277 views06/30/05 at 18:55brnandlvly: whoooo is sh e talking to?? :-?

2940 views06/30/05 at 18:53brnandlvly: omgosh is that JAKE?! does that mean thers still h...

1627 views06/30/05 at 15:45brnandlvly: KeeWl shoes :lol:

1781 views06/29/05 at 19:49brnandlvly: shes pushing an imaginary stroller!great mother lo...

2007 views06/29/05 at 19:48brnandlvly: this is an old pic thow

1247 views06/29/05 at 19:47brnandlvly: it looks like he was going hahahahahh ...not funny...

1752 views06/29/05 at 15:27brnandlvly: WHAT is sofunny??? :-o

1561 views06/29/05 at 15:24brnandlvly: that car looks small

486 views06/22/05 at 20:22brnandlvly: me tooooooooooooo

3326 views06/21/05 at 16:42brnandlvly: haaha..idiots... :lol: